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POC V1.3 Uptime Display (video clip)

POC V1's BIOS ROM Listing (opens in new window)

POC V1.2's BIOS ROM Source Code (Kowalski assembler format)

POC V1's Design Drawings (EPCB format)

Kowalski Simulator Assembler Directives Summary (opens in new window—copy and paste text as required)

Supermon 816 Machine Language Monitor (version 1.1.3, w/VT-100 support)

Note: The Supermon816.asm link no longer exists.  Use the above link to download the program.  Be sure to read the PDF!  Don't make assumptions about integrating the monitor into your system, as you are likely to encounter problems if you do.  Also note that Supermon 816 has not been tested in a simulated environment.

String Manipulation Library V3

Investigating 65C816 Interrupts (technical article, opens in new window)


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